
Notice on domain name hijacking

发布时间:2023-06-05  浏览次数:3393次

Dear user:      

Recently, we found that some domain names have been illegally hijacked, causing the domain name resolution to be redirected to other websites, which brings you inconvenience. After tracking and investigation by our technical team, we confirmed that this is not caused by our security issues, but because some illegal elements targeted network operators in some regions for DNS hijacking of some domain names. This problem has affected registrars including GNAME and many domain name registrars. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience these hijackings have caused you. In this regard, if your domain name is being illegally hijacked, we recommend that you contact the local network operator to give feedback and solve related problems as soon as possible.    

We will continue to strengthen security work to ensure the security of all domain names and provide you with more secure and reliable services. Thank you for your support and trust.  


June 5, 2023

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