API Services

With the API, you can engage in domain name registration and account management! Our API supports domain search, registration, renewal, dropcatch, and the use of your own software and servers, among other functions. You can easily configure domain name servers, select renewals, and create folders for your domains.

Bulk Add Domain Resolution

Can batch add resolution records to domain names

Request URL
Request Parameter
Field Parameter Type Required Description
domain list ymlb String Yes Domain name resolution format, multiple resolutions separated by [\n], [format: domain name | host record | record type | record value | MX value | TTL value]
is clear isqk Integer No clear existing records 1=Yes, 0=No (default)
clear time qksj String No 2021-11-01 12:34:56 ,When isqk=1, clear the parsing records before this time
Request Demo
    "appid": "1xxxxxxxxxxx",
    "gntime": 1636499415,
    "ymlb": "gnames.cn|aa|A||0|600\ngname.com|a|A||0|600",
    "isqk": "1",
    "qksj": "2021-11-01 12:34:56",
    "gntoken": "2F3594A5B8210E0810D6A6C76695AC2B"
Response Data
Field Parameter Type Description
返回码 code Integer 1:返回成功 -1:返回失败
返回说明 msg String 返回请求操作的说明
返回数据 data Object 返回请求操作结果数据
Return Data
Field Parameter Description
解析成功集合 ok
解析失败集合 err
Response Demo
    "code": 1,
    "msg": "This operation was successful for 1 domain name and failed for 1 domain name.",
    "data": {
        "ok": [
                "ym": "gname.com|aa|A||0|600",
                "msg": "Successfully",
                "jxid": 8xxxx7
        "err": [
                "ym": "gname.com|a|A||0|600",
                "msg": "Sorry,Existence of the same host value and the same record value."